Gegen Jeden Genozid comp

Gegen Jeden Genozid is the title of a new benefit compilation for Palestine, in order to gather funds for evacuating people from Gaza. It’s unclear to be who has put together the tape but it includes many punk and post-punk bands from Berlin together with friends and family from around the world. What they all share is that they stand against genocide, anywhere.

Among the 34 bands contributing are Laqcuer and a new group in which she’s drumming, called Automatica (pictured). We also get new music from amazing groups like Desintegración Violenta, Não, Urin, Yfory, Brak, A Culture of Killing and Industry.


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This comp is really a new low of bands and activist claiming to protest against war but just spreading heavy distortions about this conflict and fueling antisemitism.

Incorrect, the purpose of the release is to support people who are suffering. Anyone who is interested in staying informed about ongoing conflicts in the world can do so through independent media. None of the artists contributing are mentioning a specific conflict, they are against any genocide.

And anyone using this type of red herring argument is a boot licker and war mongering coward! In 20 years we’ll remember your being complicit.

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