Apple Turnover 054

We open the door to summer with this playlist for June, filled with plenty of hazy guitars, soft trance and new music from Vixen, Glyf, Lola Kay, Disintegration, Sunscreen and Enxin/Onyx. You didn’t miss the new LP from Tot Onyx, did you?

The first three tracks from UK-based Heartcoregirl, Cleo Walks Through Glass (whose collaboration with the former you can hear here) and Winter is a sound that seems like it’s surfacing again. A slightly less lofi version is offered from Slow Pulp and Margaux.

Pearl Charles turns in a beautiful Millennium-inspired single and couldn’t help but include an older track from Portland’s Adrenochrome who aren’t around anymore.

Laura Trance from France released a fine album a few weeks ago and Katie Fash from Norway recently put out a new version of her EP from last year.

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