Made In Poland was a post-punk group that, no surprise, formed in Krakow, Poland in the early 80s. History have described them as original ‘coldwave’ group of Poland, although they didn’t leave behind many recordings that represent their live sound very well.

Lead by two vocalist – Jolanta Pulchna and Robert Hilczer – they released their first single in 1984 on Tonpress, which was part of the National Publishing Agency. It was followed by another 7” first two years later. These tracks are all in the video below.
According to the Polish magazine Esensja, Poland in the mid-80s was a miserable place and ”filth and hopelessness dominated everywhere”. Traces of that can definitely by heard on these recordings, with lyrics that talk about ”a grey, dirty, decaying reality, in which hope, joy and satisfaction with personal life and professional work were completely scarce commodities”.
In 1989 they were able to release a full-length record for the same label although by this time the sound had changed considerably for the more uplifting. Made In Poland was reissued together with singles and unreleased tracks as a ‘Best of’ by Agencja Artystyczna MTJ in 2005. This is now available to stream, and you can also listen to the full album here.