IL Magazine

IL stands for Intelligence in Lifestyle and is a weekly supplement to Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. This is the new design created by Christian Schwartz (masthead) and Francesco Franchi. This particular cover amazes me, and made me look up more about Franchi. He has a firm interest in infographics (always good – he’s even included in the recent Taschen book on the subject) and he has a very interesting thesis from his Masters in industrial design. The project was called RE-Designer, and is about newspaper design. It hasn’t been published commercially yet, but you can see most of it on his flickr.

It makes the assumption that in this context, the designer can have a significant role due to its characteristics of multidisciplinarity, empathy and creativity, features that are functional to the development of the capacity in order to understand the reality-society-complexity and for the success of a good project to redesign; understood not as re-drawing, but as re-design and re-thinking.

Here is more work by Franchi, a poster for a an exhibition organised by the Spanish chaper of the SND (Society for News Design). If you can read Italian, you should also check out this typographic map of the production of a newspaper.

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